Simplify the E-Tagging process with Maryland Hunt-Tag. Tag with confidence.
The Maryland Hunt-Tag Single is one Info Card to replace in your kit once you have used one or shared one. The Info Card has a place to fill out all of the required information to properly tag your animal in the state of Maryland as per the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.
The MARYLAND Hunt-Tag allows for the following information:
Hunt-Tag Dimensions: 2.13" x 4.25"
The tags have a built-on self-laminating flap that is attached to each tag. After writing on the tag in the field, you can just peel off the flap’s liner and seal in your writing – permanently.
Buy 5 Singles Get 1 FREE Hunt-Tag Mini Marker!!!
For more information on the state of Maryland tagging requirements please visit the Maryland Department of Natural Resources website.
Hunt-Tag is a small Oregon based company that started as a result of hunting regulation changes in the state of Oregon for 2019. Oregon is in the process of moving to an electronic tagging process (e-tagging) with the use of an app on your smartphone. This change required hunters supply their own tags to attach the proper information to all big game harvests in order to stay legal. Hunt-Tag designed a kit to aid hunters in this change. Now, Hunt-Tag is offering tagging kits for other states that use an electronic tagging system. The purpose of our Hunt-Tag kits is to simplify the process, so hunters can enjoy the success of their hunt without worrying about how to properly tag their harvests.